Why travel by train in Europe?

The train is the simplest, most convenient and cost effective way to travel from one city to another. Europe’s rail network is one of the safest and most modern networks in the world. With more than 250,000 kilometres of tracks and thousands of rail stations, trains will take you everywhere; from main cities to remote villages, from seaside resorts to ski resorts and even from one country to another! Here are 5 good reasons to travel by train in Europe.

Money saver
More comfort
Stops in city centre
Local experience

  • Money saver

    Whether you choose a rail pass or a train ticket, Rail Europe offers attractive prices. Tickets can be very affordable when booked in advance and rail passes allow you to travel as much as you want and benefit from free bonuses.

  • Stops in city-centre

    All main train stations are located in the heart of cities and benefit from excellent connections with other public transportations such as the underground, taxis, and buses. When travelling by train, you will avoid transfers, endless queues at crowded airports or the stress of driving in a different country. Reach your destination fresh and relaxed!

  • Eco-friendly

    Travelling by train is the less polluting way to move around. Independent research has shown that a train generates up to 10 times less CO2 than an airplane. Eurostar journeys are even carbon neutral! The ITF (International Transport Forum) reported that the average CO2 emissions of high speed trains in Europe per passenger/km do not exceed 17g compared to 153g for planes. Do your bit for the planet and travel green!

  • Local Experiance

    From high speed to panoramic trains, the experience of travelling on board a train is simply unique. Not only will you travel in a more relaxed atmosphere, but you will also get to meet locals or even fellow travellers from abroad. It is a great way to share and discover the culture of other people. Also a great way to get some tips and learn the best secrets on the destination you are about to visit.